Monday, March 5, 2012

Start From Scratch or Just Edit?

In looking into the bodybuilding industry, I have discovered something I find interesting. I have yet to find a story of someone whose story closely resembles mine. There are countless stories of people who were fit and then worked hard to get shredded to prepare for a show. There a plenty of profiles of out of shape athletes who have gotten back into it and been able to recapture and even improve upon the physique of their youth. There are former military personnel who got a little pudgy after PT was no longer required. Muscle memory is a hug asset. I have not been able to find someone who was never "in shape" and looking to go on a stage in a bedazzled bikini.

I was not an athlete in my youth. I am not particularly coordinated and was at that time not particularly motivated. So unless running down the driveway when I was late for the bus, riding my bike, occasionally playing H.O.R.S.E. with my dad in the back yard counts as athleticism, then I'm gonna go ahead and count my process as starting from scratch.

I don't think it puts me in a great place of disadvantage but it may extend my target date by a bit. I have a lot more work to do to reach my goal and 7 more months does not seem like a lot of time. My dear, sweet friend Erika is preparing to compete in the Max Muscle NPC show in April and is stressing that she won't be ready. She looks FABULOUS! I encouraged her by letting her know that no one will care if she's not ready for April (which she will be!), but the journey is the journey. The target will be reached. I have to give myself that same grace.

I haven't given up on walking on stage in October. I will still work to that date. One thing that I have learned from my research is that there is an advantage to have been in shape in your youth. It's never to late to make healthy choices. But it's also never too early. Start talking to your kids, your nieces, your nephews, your friend's kids, your kids' friends about making healthy choices now! Develop healthy choices now! Make exercise fun! You know the best way to do that? Allow them to follow your example. Not everyone has to walk in front of judges in the warmth of the spotlights, but being an example and starting the trend of healthiness is a way you can make a difference.

Turn off the TV. Get off your butt. Ride a bike. Toss a ball. Run a block. Climb a hill. Grab someone and take them with you. They'll thank you later.

Guess where I'll see ya? That's right. In the gym!