Thursday, February 23, 2012

Size 12? Why Yes Please and Thank You

It's milestone time, folks. I have not worn size 12 jeans since high school. For those of you who don't know me from those days, that's 22 years ago! They are Levi's 529s. I have another pair of Levi's that are 16s that fit me just a little bit loose, but hey, the label on the 529s says SIZE 12!!

These are the kinds of milestones that are special. My weight is still not under 200. My body fat measurement says I'm still in the obese category. So you know what? This almost 40 year old is getting it done. And getting it done in some pretty sassy size 12 jeans!

(AS A SIDE NOTE: I have learned so much about goals and milestones while working at Max Muscle Sports Nutrition. Today I received my official certificate to hang on the wall. I am a certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist. What's that crazy name mean? It means I am certified to create meal plans and guide people through the process of fat elimination and lean muscle retention. So I am ready to start signing up some clients in Raleigh when I move there in March. Tell your friends who live in the area. They can contact me at

Now, back to me. I have not been 100% on point for the past two weeks on eating clean or getting my cardio done. I haven't updated my measurements on I certainly have not taken any progress pictures. What's my excuse? I have been really distracted with all that I need to get done with the impending move, and the efforts to open the new Max Muscle store. At the end of the day...guess what.... there are always going to be things that distract me from my fitness goals. Those are just excuses. So, I saddle back up. I look at my schedule and figure out how to keep myself driven - how to keep myself motivated to stay on the path. I have to. That's all there is to it. I am not going to fall back on excuses that are readily available to me or the ones that friends so generously offer me. It is a goal. I will not take my eye off the prize. I will not beat myself up when I stumble. I will press on.

Are there areas in your life where you have set a goal and then given up because you stumbled? Have you looked over your shoulder to see who was looking? Meh. Stumbling happens. Don't give up. Get back up. Focus your attention on your goal; really look at it. Do you still want it? Can you picture yourself achieving it? What will you say to yourself when you reach it? Won't that be a cool thing to say? Why don't you go ahead and remind yourself now what you want to achieve. Go ahead and say it out loud. "I will not fail. I want to _____ and I will not quit til I get there, regardless of how many times I stumble." I'm serious. Say it out loud. I just did. I choked a little. Did you just inspire yourself? Now get to work. I know I will.

See ya in the gym!

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