Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a New Year - So What?

Happy New Year! 2012 should prove to be a fabulous, change-filled, goal-reaching year for me! But why do we spend so much time and effort to celebrate the change of one day to the next? Why is it so important for us to make New Year's Resolutions? Why do we seek to be surrounded by people who want to mark the change in year? Because as human beings, we are always seeking the opportunity for a do over...a clean slate...a tabula rasa, if you will...

Most of us celebrate New Year's Eve with more fashion and fanfare than our own birthdays. Some celebrate with more zeal than the birth of my Savior. Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest certainly aren't on TV showcasing a star-studded Easter spectacular. All across the world, like-minded people are choosing to make today a new chance for change.

Hmmm... I've never been one to make resolutions. It is in our very nature to break them. And most do by February 15th. And the reality is, each new day is a new slate - a new chance for change. Each day. Think about that for a moment. Every morning when you wake, take a moment to reflect on the previous day, give thanks for the new one and "resolve" to make a difference within the parameters of that twenty-four hours.

Why do you think we break resolutions we make by mid-March at the latest? New Year's Resolutions are often made in haste like a wish before the crack of a wishbone or the wisp of a blown-out candle. Also, goals that are made are often too lofty or nebulous to focus and take small bites. "I'm going to lose weight." "I'm going to go to the gym more." "I'm going to quit smoking." Whew! How much weight? By when? How often are you going to the gym? Are you training for a 5K? What are the steps you are going to take to quit smoking? Have you sought a support group?

When I have my momentary meltdowns, pity parties, discouraged doldrums, I look to the plan. I focus on the long term goals that I have set for myself and then I look at what I should be expecting in the near term. The plan keeps me safe and keeps the aforementioned hissy fits to a minimum. But what if I had not taken the time to develop a plan? I'd likely look to my final goal and find it too hard in that moment and potentially give up. We have become creatures in need of a schedule. We arrive and depart from work or school at a specific time. We attend church and/or community meetings at a designated time of day. TV shows are based on a schedule that we can peruse as a guide on the screen. Why should be be surprised that we do well to plan out our meals, workout schedule and fitness goals? If it was easy, we'd all have perfect physiques and eat & do whatever we want. It's not easy. Our Creator did not give us this sophisticated machine just so we'd ignore it. It's fully loaded with every app available for use. It's finely tuned and just waiting for you to pay attention to it. Unwrap the gift of life that you have been given and choose each day as a mini New Year's celebration.

...Or maybe the night is just an excuse to party til you puke and get a free cab ride.What do I know?

See ya in the gym! (Every Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Friday between 11 and 1 - that's my schedule)

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