Monday, December 5, 2011

Small, Medium, Or Large?

I find myself becoming more and more observant of the perceived health of others around me these days. As I've said in previous posts, I started this journey to be a healthier version of me. It is by choice that I want to get down to 12-15% Body Fat. I have a specific look in mind for myself. While I don't judge people I see for the choices they have made, I realize that to be successful, we have to be happy with each version of ourselves along the way.

I came across a picture of me when I was on a cruise in October 2008 (see right). I was at my heaviest - approx 254 lbs - but I was happy. I was never entirely unhappy in that heavier body. I want people to be happy where they are. Happiness is not an excuse for complacency. You still really need to see a doctor and determine what is a healthy you. HEALTHY people come in different sizes - small, medium, get the idea.

My personal observation of people who are obese is that they (we) typically fall into one of these categories:
  1. I hate the way I look, but I am not interested in putting in the work to change. I don't want to give up the food I love and the free time I have by spending my time exercising
  2. I love the way I look. What's wrong with carrying a little extra weight if I'm healthy? I loove being a full figured woman?? (I agree only if you really are healthy - great heart rate, BP, endurance, BF%, cholesterol, etc)
  3. I am okay with the way I look. I'm kinda stuck. It's the body I have and I don't have the time to change it. Maybe I'd be more attractive, but I really don't care enough
  4. I hate the way I look. I'm miserable. I gotta make a change to be attractive to the opposite sex and have meaning in society
  5. I've tried before and I always put the weight back on. I just can't do it anymore. (to you I say - keep trying!)
There were days I was one or a mixture of all of the above. Where do you fit in? Maybe you're not overweight, but you have other health challenges that an active lifestyle can help correct. Your health, social value, physical attractiveness, personality, or ability do not have to be wrapped up in your size. Start making choices that bring you joy. Seek for happiness and you will find it. Look in the mirror. Love the version of you that you are RIGHT NOW. Take a hard look at that person. What were the choices that got you there? Are you ready to change? Can you motivate yourself enough to give yourself some tough love when it gets hard? The best way to stay motivated is when you are happy in who you are. It makes you want the best for yourself, because you realize that you deserve it! What better reason is there to take care of you?!

For the record, I am still obese. I have great blood pressure readings & I can run up a few flights of stairs without getting winded and I'm getting closer to "healthy, but overweight" every day. I love the me I am right now. I am working to be the best me I can be...cuz I deserve it. Do something for yourself today. Don't get lost in the busy-ness of the season. Remember to take a moment for you.

See ya in the gym!

PS: I'm posting stats & photo updates here this week. Check it out.


  1. I LOVE you, woman!! I love your outlook on life and the special knack you have to motivate others. You may not realize it, but you inspire many, many people! Including me:)

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