Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday Three - It's All You Get This Week

I just wasn't inspired to document or wax philosophical this week. Every time I'd think of something, I decided to just wait for Thursday. Thursday's here. I've got no excuse. Get to writing!

1. As some of you read on FB, I jogged a mile yesterday without stopping. It was an important milestone for a few reasons. I was the girl (God bless my PE teachers) who obstinately walked the mile in PE. I started off walking and never broke that stride. So in a way, this little jog around the block was a thank you to them for just trying to keep kids active during the week. I found out 2 years ago why running is a struggle for me. I have Compartment Syndrome in my lower left leg. You can google it for details but suffice it to say that it's painful and somewhat dangerous for me to run for long distances. I've built up enough strength to compensate for it for at least a mile. I may never run more than that...but then maybe I will.

2. It's time for progress pictures next week. I don't think I've had much progress but I will likely be taking some close ups of slowly developing muscle. Ugh. My muscles are screaming like Norma Desmond (name that quote and film).

3. My workouts are getting harder. I am pushing myself like never before and it's fun! It's gotten to the point where I see people in the gym stopping to watch me. On Monday, a dude said to my trainer "that right there is why I don't train with you, Bruce". Ha! It was the part where I was on set 2 of 3 of 60 walking lunges while holding a 25 lb plate in each hand. I'm gonna be so beast! I have to keep focusing on what that's gonna look like. Focus. Focus. Focus.

See ya in the gym!

PS I've signed up for another 5K on Dec 11th. Search for a race in your area, especially one where they encourage walking, too. You can do 3 miles! Do it this month. Forget resolutions. Just decide now to change your life.

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