Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday Three - Happy Thanksgiving!

1) I am happy to take a whole day to give thanks for all of the blessings I have this year. And I have been thinking about my cheat meal all week. I thought about making healthier, less indulgent versions of the things I love; but I changed my mind. Why have a cheat meal if it's not cheating?! Yum. Eating at 4:30. I'll behave til then, I promise.

2) I ran/jogged/walked in the Turkey Trot this morning. It did it in around 45 minutes, which isn't great, but I've never professed to be a runner. It was a perfect day for it and I was glad I was able to get some exercise in before the aforementioned cheat meal. Try to get a little activity in today. Maybe start a new family tradition of walking around the block at halftime or doing "turkey jacks" (like jumping jacks, but more festive & Thanksgivingy) before desert.

3) I got over a hang up this week. One of the trainers I have befriended at LA Fitness and hug on the regular, picked me up this week. I used to panic when someone tried to pick me up for fear that they would hurt themselves. I've never been a petite, delicate flower; so even when I weighed less than now, I would wriggle out of it if someone even tried. So when I hugged G on Tuesday, I let him pick me up - no squirming, just a giggle. I weigh 215 lbs. I'm still no fragile doll, but if someone wants to pick me up after looking at me, that's their problem. It's their risk. I'm just gonna giggle and let them do it.

Enjoy your day with your family and your Thanksgiving meal - and your Thanksgiving nap. Don't forget what I said about getting a little activity in. You'll feel great! And on Monday, I'll...

See ya in the gym!

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