Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday Three

Here it is, folks. The Thursday Three - three quick thoughts for the day...
  •  "Stop talking. Start doing." Saw that on a shirt at the gym today. Find someone to help keep you accountable. Someone who is not afraid to hurt your feelings when they have to remind you to stick to your goal. Start doing it. Whatever IT is. Doesn't have to be going to the gym. But we all have something we need to stop talking about and start doing.
  • Sore quad and heiney muscles suck. It's awesome to be sore, but it sucks. I am very thankful that we have bars on the bathroom wall at work to assist in my arrival and departure from the seat. I need to install those at home!
  • Compression clothing is another God send in my life. Everything looks so much better when squeezed like a sausage casing. Thank goodness I don't have to parade around in a bikini all of the time. Amen.
See you in the gym!

P.S. Dropped 6 lbs of fat & gained a lb of muscle in the past 2 weeks... Check it out here for all of my updates.

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