Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All The World's A Stage

All the world's a stage and this is the role of a lifetime! As I continue each week on this journey, I learn something "new" that really just points me to a truth I already knew. I suppose it's all part of maturing and better understanding the simple things we were taught as kids.

According to family accounts, I have been a performer from day one. While I am perfectly content to be alone, I have a need to feel the eyes of others on me; but in a controlled environment of my choosing. As a teenager, that exhibited itself as being an avid fan of the theatre. As a young adult, I was very comfortable and the first to volunteer to make presentations at work. I am at ease in front of a crowd. I didn't realize this was all leading up to performing on a stage in a tiny bikini - flexing my (soon to be) massive muscles!

But the concept of the world being a stage is true in every day life. We are being observed at all times. I'm not so bold as to say that I am being stalked by the paparazzi, but being aware that we are always accountable for our actions can be a motivator. I have a responsibility not only to myself to show up at the gym and get the work done; but to others, too. I am responsible to that lady who has been at the gym for two months - sitting on the recumbent bike, watching as I lunge across the gym with sweat dripping. Maybe she looks at me and realizes she can try a few of those without feeling silly. I am responsible to the trainers I have befriended. They are looking to see if I make it in because they want me to succeed. They want to cheer me on. I am responsible to my niece and nephew. If they see that their Auntie is inspired to maintain a healthy lifestyle, maybe they will consider their own choices to making a healthy lifestyle. I am responsible to you. It becomes very a very vulnerable position, but from this prone position, I find that I am giving back to to others. And THAT is empowering.

I want to take advantage of the opportunity I have been afforded and give back where I can. When I was making goo goobs of money in the defense industry, I was able to do that financially and regularly gave to charity and the church (my niece & nephew claimed to be a charity, too, albeit not a tax deductible one). But now I make a retail workers salary, so I have to find other ways to give back. I am so lucky to be able to work in the industry that I am obsessed with. I am awed and amazed by those who work a "regular" job and are still able to get it done with nutrition and gym time. My proverbial hat is off. Kudos to you! But I am in a perfect spot to do all the things I need to reach my goal. I am afforded no excuses. The lights are on me, the lines are memorized, the role has been researched, the curtain is up...

It's show time!

See ya in the gym!

P.S. Lost 2 more lbs this week.


  1. LOVE the post script on this. <3 you, OP! great work! you're making me feel like i should make fitness goals. ugh. :)
