Monday, November 21, 2011

This Thanksgiving, I'm Having a Big Slice of Humble Pie

I had to have a "come to Jesus meeting" with myself this past weekend. I sat myself down and interviewed myself to calibrate where I am in this whole thing. Am I doing it for me? Has it become about making other people proud of me? Can I even envision the lean version of me anymore? Am I already getting discouraged? You get the idea. I am a tough interviewer. I got right to the heart of it. And I decided I am doing it for me. I want to look back next Fall and feel really good about my accomplishment. But, next Fall is a looong time away! So, now I am looking to set some sub-goals; little milestones that will keep me chasing the carrot (or maybe celery, since carrots are high in sugar!) I'll be developing and sharing those with you in the next week or so. I just wanted to keep you in the loop as to where my head is.

On to the entitled topic! This Thanksgiving is a little different for me this year. My dad passed away in 1996 and Thanksgiving was his thing - 25lb turkey and all. The year he died, my mom and I took road trips to Cape Cod to spend our Thanksgiving on an adventure. My sister and niece joined us a few years ago and it was always a special trip. After mom passed away in 2009, we went to the Cape one last time and Thanksgiving of 2010 was spent with wonderful friends in Denver, CO. I have no plans for 2011. This will be the first year I have spent Thanksgiving at home in 15 years! It'll be odd, but it has given me a little time to reflect. I can dwell on being sad about my losses or I can search for the blessings in my life. I have a lot of blessings. You reading this right now is a blessing to me.

I am listing ten things for which I am very thankful this holiday season. Before you get caught up in the hustle and bustle that always manages to push out the tender excitement of this most wonderful time of year, take time to give thanks. Take time to thank God. Take time to thank others. Take time to thank yourself.

Here's my ten:

  1. This is the time of year I have reflect upon the goodness of a loving God. I thank God for my salvation first and foremost. I am so fortunate to have found a good church home. If you haven't found one that suits you, keep looking. God loves to see His peeps hanging out together.
  2. I am thankful for my health. It improves every day, and I am rarely sick or debilitated.
  3. I am so thankful for my wonderful family - Jeff, Lil, Bonita, Greg, Corinn & Evan - I love you very much. Thanks for being you.
  4. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and a car to get me where I need to go. There are so many who are less fortunate due to any number of circumstances.
  5. I am thankful for sweet potatoes. They are so delicious. And this is the best time of year to add eggs, butter, coconut, pecans and brown sugar to them to make them even more so.
  6. I am thankful for Bruce Williams of Platinum Results, Erika Davitch of Max Muscle, Shelby McDaniel of ShelbyKFitness, and others who are helping me change my life for the better.
  7. I am thankful for the encouragement of friends. You are an invaluable support system. I hope I tell you enough how much I love you.
  8. I am thankful for technology (and still I love technology; always and forever [name that film reference]) that allows me to communicate with you in such a succinct and editable manner.
  9. I am surrounded by music. What an amazing gift in my life. Christmas music is so fantastic, I can't wait til Friday to start listening. I have 615 songs loaded & ready to go.
  10. Laughter. I am thankful that most of the time I can find the humor in things. Most days, I chose joy. My dad used to say "just as soon laugh as cry." I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I get the intent. I do love to laugh.

I am humbled and awed by this life I am living. What are you thankful for? Make your own list.

See ya in the gym!

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