Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Was The Cheesecake Worth It? ... yes, it was

I have been so neglectful on my blogging duties. I'm gonna blame it on the cheesecake, okay? My sister, nephew and I took a road trip to NYC this past weekend to see my niece. She is attending school at the New York Film Academy and it was time for a visit. It snowed like crazy on Saturday so I didn't get the cardio in that I was planning on. I did trot up the subway stairs every chance I got. (Hey, Washington, DC, there are NO escalators in NYC!) We did some walking on Sunday, including a brisk stroll to church; but our final destination was a restaurant that served...you guessed it...NY style cheesecake! I ate a huge piece and every bite was pure heaven. That one slice of cheesecake alone was my entire cheat meal for the week! I'm back home and back on track. No more cheescake for me...well...until the next time I have it.

Last week before I left for NYC, Erika, my nutrition specialist, took updated measurements for my (close enough to) one month milestone. Some of the results were discouraging. The 3 lbs I had lost were back. My body fat only went down a half a percent, but I lost almost 2 inches off my waist - in a month! The interesting part of it is that everything is getting flabbier. I know that is the cycle I will continue to see. When the fat is burned off, the skin loosens. It tightens back up as the skin recovers and as I fill the void with lean muscle. When I look at the updated pictures, (seen here) I can see the evidence of movement. I share these unflattering pics of myself to document the process and hopefully encourage someone else along their own fitness journey.

There will be ups and downs, lows and highs, laughter and tears. These 12 months will go by quickly. Heck, one month already has. Thanks for going on the journey with me. Thanks for your encouragement.

Do something active today. Run up the steps. Do dips on the edge of the couch. Close your office door and do ten pushups. Hold your grocery bags out for a count of thirty. Exercise can become addictive, trust me, I know. But by all means, STAY AWAY FROM THAT CHEESECAKE!

See you in the gym

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