Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Training Wheels, Piano Lessons & Flying a Plane

What do those things have in common with preparing for a bodybuilding competition? Hold your horses, I'm gonna tell ya!

First of all, let's talk about training wheels. How many of you used them to learn to ride a bicycle? (Well, I didn't. My dad thought you should just get in there & figure it out. You can just imagine "swimming lessons". But for the sake of my point, let's pretend I did, okay? It'll be our little secret.) We find the most success at achieving our goals when we have assistance. Are there people who can do it by themselves? Absolutely. But MOST people need assistance and training if they are entering into an arena which they know nothing about. That's where I was 2 years ago. I knew I wanted to start working out to get healthier, but I had no idea where to start. I had no clue what to do in a gym and that was the main reason I was intimidated about going in. And that became an excuse...

That's where a personal trainer can be an invaluable asset. When I got home from my trip to Europe in January of 2010, I was disappointed to learn that the trainer I had been working with had left and I had a new trainer. God could not have been more gracious. Bruce Williams of Platinum Results is an absolute gem and a life changer. If you can afford to work with a personal trainer, I guarantee that it will not be wasted if you work with someone like Bruce. He has pushed me to do things I had no idea I could accomplish. He teaches me the right way to do it - very important confidence builder. He encourages me when I don't feel like doing it. He praises me when I do it well. If you are thinking about starting on a fitness journey, look into getting the assistance of a personal trainer. Follow the link to his email if you are looking for an excellent, highly recommended one. With the knowledge he has helped me gain, I now strut around the gym like I own the place. I sweat profusely and breathe hard and grunt and make ugly faces and stick my butt right in the air and I don't care who sees it because I know I am doing what it takes to reach my goal.

Piano lessons...what the heck? My point here is only that the fitness journey really needs to be approached in a methodical and well-practiced manner. You cannot play Clair De Lune the first time you sit down and touch the keys. Likewise, you cannot do 50 squats with 80 lbs on your back and then do 120 pushups. I have never been good at this aspect. I am impatient. I like fast results. I have always had the gift of "winging it" and it has served me pretty well so far in life. I was the kid who did very little homework, but still managed to pull a B+ because I'd always ace the test. I've never had a formal singing lesson in my life, but always have been blessed to be surrounded by musical people from whom I can absorb what I need. I have a degree in Fine Art, but I'm anything but a fine artist. I was a successful Financial Planner with a major defense contractor and never took a math class past Algebra 2 (thanks, Mr. Dovel!). The idea that I had to start out struggling to do 10 pushups from my knees - like a girl - and only 15 minutes on the elliptical was new for me. I had a challenge that I couldn't just wing my way through. I am proud to say that 2 years later, I CAN squat 50 times with 80 lbs on my back (3 sets, no less) and do 120 pushups from my feet - like a dude - and an hour of cardio. But it has taken time. It has taken a lot of impatient, frustrated tears. I used to cry a lot in the beginning when I couldn't make my body do what I wanted. Now I understand that it will. I just have to keep trying. One of my sub goals for this year is to be able to do one unassisted pull up. Yep. I said one. I keep trying.

I reference flying a plane in the title because our bodies are a well tuned, powerfully made machines. We are amazing creatures with tons of intricate mechanisms and functions. We have to learn all we can about how to operate it and care for it before we use it. We can push our bodies past limits, but we have to properly recover and refuel. This is where it is a great idea to study and learn all you can about the human body and how it functions and responds to exercise and proper nutrition. I have just started the process in becoming a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist at Max Muscle Sports Nutrition and it is so fascinating. So much we take for granted. I always think about the verse in Psalms that talks about being fearfully and wonderfully made. Boy howdy, we are! God designed us for so much more than a sedentary, slothful existence. Our bodies were made for streamlined fitness. I want to see just how streamlined this body can go. I guess then I'll be fly like a G6? (or as my friend heard the lyrics..."like a cheese stick"...)

See you in the gym!

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