Monday, November 14, 2011

Seasonal Affective Disorder?

S.A.D.? I think I have something called S.I.D.W.T.D.A.B.S.I.B.D. "Seasonal I Don't Want To Do Anything But Stay In Bed Disorder". It's true. I've gotten there. This is the time when having an appointment with a trainer is so important. Even if I lie in bed and fantasize about what creative excuse I'll give him for not being able to come in...I get out of bed and I go. Thank you to those who will continue to keep me motivated through the winter months.

This is the time of year that I used to think I could be one of those 1,000 lb people who laid on the couch all day and only got up to pee and eat. Some days I still feel that way. I just don't feel like doing a dang thing. Although my fitness journey has greatly affected my motivation and choices, I have to be honest in saying that it is not an overnight fix. It is a journey. I don't want you to think that every day has me jumping out of bed and I joyously lunge all the way to the gym.

The difference this year is, I AM off the couch and in about 20 minutes I will get in my car and head in to see my beloved Bruce so he can kick my butt. I do love it. I am happier than I have ever been.

You know what's funny? I looked up the treatment for S.A.D. You know what it it? "Taking long walks during the daylight hours and getting exercise can make the symptoms better. Keep active socially, even if it involves some effort." goes.

See ya in the gym!

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