Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm Not Ready

I am coming up on the one year anniversary of the start of this process. I want to be honest with you. I'm not ready. I'm nowhere near ready. This year has been an amazing path of transformation for me. I have learned a lot about what I am capable of. I have learned a lot about what I can do. I have learned a lot about what hard work it takes to get there. And I have learned that I'm not ready.

So bear with me. I'm not giving up. But I am going to change the subtitle from "A 365 day fitness journey..." to "A lifetime fitness journey..." I hope that's okay with you.

One of the biggest things I have learned is that this is a slow and steady lifestyle change. I LOVE being in the gym. I love working out and putting on mass and seeing my muscle tissue come alive. I rarely miss a chance to work out. But to get where I want to go, I need to commit to two-a-days and more consistent cardio on a daily basis. I pass by the cupcakes and cookies on most days and feel like a rockstar and pat myself on the back. But you know what? I cave sometimes....more than I should. A barbecue sandwich here, a handful of marshmallows there is no big deal for a "normal" person who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. But I'm not normal. I've committed to being extraordinary. It takes more discipline than I have at the present time. I admire fitness competitors so much! It's hard!

So what the heck? Well, "BIG MUSCLES - TEENY BIKINIS" may not happen for a while. I am tentatively looking toward the Max Muscle Virginia Classic in April. But that's just to keep me focused. I am not committing to a specific deadline. I will keep working hard. I will keep challenging you to be the best, healthy you. I will continue to work on my discipline. Would you be so kind as to continue to cheer me on? Thanks. You're the best.

See ya in the gym!

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