Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Past Fades

Included in one of my very first blog entries is a photograph of me standing next to SeƱor Frog. I have a smile on my face, but I was not entirely happy. I had no real understanding of the toll my sedentary lifestyle was taking on my body.

I have kept a copy of that picture in my gym bag and would refer to it often to see where my hard work had brought me. There were times I felt the need to pull it out to show people that while I am not where I want to be yet, I am sooo much better than I was....see?? Can't you see my progress??

An interesting thing happened recently. I carry foot spray in my gym bag. (C'mon, everybody's shoes get nasty eventually.) That spray has been in the same pocket for a long time. But a few weeks ago, it leaked all over my bag. It ruined the "before" picture. All that's clearly visible now is my smile. That little mishap came at a great time. I have recently learned to embrace where I am now. I work really hard to make my body healthy and strong. I don't need to show you my before picture anymore. I want to show you what I am doing NOW. I want to share with you the concept of where it will be in the near future. I want to talk about HOW I'm getting there.

One of the hardest, most head-smacking classes I took in college was Aethestics. I'm still not sure I entirely understand the philosophy. One thing I did take away is that as an artist, the understanding of the process is equally as, if not more important than the product. That's why I can appreciate a Pollock even though the product looks like paint spattered on a wall. I get why Picasso and Braque experimented with viewpoint. I see the beauty in the color fields of a Rothko. Body building (or body sculpting, as my inner artist prefers to call it) is the same. I want to talk about the process. The product will be what it is; a byproduct of this artist's effort.

Look in the mirror. You are the direct result of your actions. You are beautiful as you are. But are you taking care of you? Are you loving the process? The product will be what it will be. Work hard. Love yourself. Create goals and follow through on them. Encourage others in their path.

The past fades. Cherish the present. Look forward and keep moving.

See ya in the gym!

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