Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is that woman in the mirror really me?

Cuz I think she's a little bit crazy. As I start writing my very first blog entry, I have to chuckle to myself a little. Those who have known me for many years may chuckle a little too. See, I wasn't always the obsessive fitness junkie I am now. When I was a kid, I rolled my eyes when my dad talked about the importance of fitness. My brother and sister both participated in organized sports and when I shot up in height in elementary school; there was hope I'd be the basketball star of the family. One problem, I am terribly uncoordinated...
So here I am, approaching my 40th year of existence and I have a new dream; a new goal. I intend to compete in a bodybuilding competition one year from now. I have one year to lose about 40 lbs and 20% body fat. I'm gonna do it. I'm stubborn and I'm prideful. So, I'm gonna do it. But I have no doubt the journey will be difficult. So, I hope this documentation of my process and progress will make you laugh, make you cry and perhaps even inspire you to pursue your dreams - to set your own goals. I'm proof that it's okay to change them and pursue new ones and it's never too late.

I will be posting pics of my progress on my bodybuilding.com bodyspace. Feel free to follow me there, too. WARNING: There are pictures of me in a bikini on that site. Send anyone with heart conditions and children into the next room before viewing.

See ya in the gym
- K