Thursday, October 20, 2011

Plateaus Stink... But Don't Discourage

Really? Already? I've hit a plateau in my weight loss for the past 2 weeks. Plateaus in any program are frustrating, but inevitable. Fitness-minded goals, even if your goal is just to lose 10 lbs and reduce knee pain, means constant choices. I CHOOSE to not eat that second cookie. I CHOOSE to get my butt out of bed to get to the gym, I CHOOSE to eat my meal even when I'm not hungry. I CHOOSE to do the last 5 reps. It's always a choice. Plateaus are inevitable, but are they always out of our control?

I kicked off my ramp up with the Warrior Dash on October 1st. I added more cardio and my trainer has been pushing me to work harder. So the body is changing. I'm getting leaner. BUT the scale only shows me down 4 lbs. Ouch. Here's the reality of it. I am responsible for some of that. The "cheat meals" that I plan for Friday night football games have slipped into Saturday snacks and Sunday meal misses... I have chosen to not stay clean on weekends and I am seeing the results. I had to alter my work schedule this week, so my gym schedule has been altered, too. I have not put in the same amount of work and I am seeing the results. There is no right or wrong. It's my CHOICE. My dad always said that "you have to be responsible for your own actions." And I am.

So, how does this apply to plateaus? I have to take responsibility for the fact that I have contributed to this plateau. And in that ownership, I find some hope. This is a year long process which will extend into a life time promise to take better care of myself. I will continue to make choices that have adverse effects. I cannot let those choices give me an excuse to quit. I WILL NOT SELF SABOTAGE SO I HAVE AN EXCUSE WHEN I FAIL! I will recognize it for what it is. I will look back and see what I have accomplished. I will continue to look forward to envision what I can do. I will take a deep breath and do the work. The next plateau? I'm kicking its butt, too!

See you in the gym!

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