Saturday, August 24, 2013

What's your secret?

Lately, I've been posting a lot of pictures of my "Before and During" pictures on various FB pages about transformations. I am back on track to my goal of getting on stage in a teeny bikini. It is a self-encouragement to see how far I've come. But I want to get to the point where I don't feel like I have to wear my before picture on a t-shirt to prove how far I've come.

But a lot of life's adventures are like that. We don't want to be a summary of our past actions. Every day is a chance to show people what you're made of. I am starting to get comfortable in my "newer, improved" body. I apologize for the way I currently look less and less. When people say I look great, I'm working really hard to not say, "well, I still have this innertube... but look at my loose skin... I have a long way to go...". I'm starting to say "thank you" and leave it at that. Because I do look great. I am at a "fair" bodyfat percentage. I am active. I eat right.

So, you know I always have to bring it back around to you. Is there something in our life you've been working on and made progress? When someone compliments you, say "thank you". And move on.

So what's my secret?? Workout hard. Eat clean. Drink lots of water. Get some sleep. Smile. But you already knew that answer.