Monday, November 4, 2013

Don't Give Yourself The Gift Of Sabotage

It's that time of year. It begins with Halloween and goes through the New Year. Many of us find ourselves using the holidays as an excuse to overindulge. The average American gains 8-15 lbs during the holiday season; only to shamefully make changes during a New Year's resolution.

Here's my challenge to you. Don't be average. I was giving this some consideration in the context of achieving my own goals. I keep picking an NPC show and then I keep moving it out because of whatever circumstances. I will not get on stage and embarrass myself if I'm not ready. BUT my plan is to BE READY for the Max Muscle Classic in April. That gives me 24 weeks. Yikes! The countdown begins... And guess what's right smack in the middle between here and there??? Yep. THE HOLIDAYS!!

I was just talking to a nutrition client this morning (Go, Lanya!) about this very concept. The way that we approach nutrition at Max Muscle is to allow yourself a cheat meal every one or two weeks. Staying on that plan is simple during the holidays when you plan ahead and demonstrate a little self control. Here's the deal: Thanksgiving Day meal and Christmas Day meal can be your cheat meals! BUT that means that you have to behave yourself for the rest of that week. Have a holiday party coming up? Eat like you know you should for the rest of the time - even the day of the event - and then have your cheat meal at the party. It really is that simple. Don't sabotage your goals because there are Christmas cookie trays and candy jars readily available at every turn. You don't have to eat the Halloween candy your kids don't like. I am giving you permission to cancel your membership in the "Clean Plate Club". Don't wait until January to start taking care of you. Give yourself an early Christmas present. Take care of yourself now.

I will be enjoying Thanksgiving Day with family. I am going to eat some of my wonderfully indulgent sweet potato souffle. I am going to have a big spoonful of my sister's mashed potatoes. I LOVE Cranberry sauce - gonna have some of that, too. I will likely have a slice of pie. And??? So what. I will be disciplined the rest of the week. I will not stretch the leftovers into a three day binge. I will follow that same pattern for Christmas. And I will stay on track because of it.

Guess what? I REALLY want to stop talking (and blogging) about it. I REALLY want to strut my muscley self on a stage in 24 weeks. Maybe you could help encourage me. Maybe you can encourage others around you. Maybe you could encourage yourself. Ooooooh. Yes. Let's.

See you in the gym!