Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I've Already Won!

I've done it. I've sent my money off the the NPC (National Physique Committee). I am doing a show in a little over twelve weeks. My debut will be at the Max Muscle Virginia Classic on April 26th. This is completely untraveled territory for me. Gahhh!!

A friend stopped by the store last night and gave what he thought was good advice. He said, "You know you're kind of gonna embarrass yourself. There's no way you're gonna be ready in 12 weeks. The judges don't know your story. They don't know how far you've come. They will only see you standing beside shredded 125 lb women." He didn't mean to insult me. He knows my story. He knows how far I've come. He was attempting to protect me from embarrassment.

At left: 220 lbs, 34% BF
At Right: 207 lbs, 23% BF
I've given that opinion some thought… Here's the deal. I will do everything it takes for the next 12 weeks. I will work my butt off in the gym. I will not stray from the nutrition plan. I will trust the process. And at the end of that time, I'm gonna walk on stage with a smile on my face and pride in my heart. I'm not pushing the date out. I'm not waiting for a show when I'm ready. This is not about winning a show. I have no plans to go pro. If I got upset about being compared to shredded 125 lb women, I'd never leave the house! It's not about them. And while I respect judges, it's not about them either. It's about me. It's about my friends and family who love and support me. It's about sharing my story in an attempt to inspire others. That's it. It's that simple.

So. I have new goals for the stage. Here's my new list:
1. Don't fall down and just nail the routine
2. Smile the entire time and have fun
3. Don't let your fried egg sized boobies fall out if the bottom of your suit
4. Don't compare yourself to others
5. Don't cry with joy. You'll mess up your makeup
6. Don't let your number fall off and then step on it
7. Be thankful for what you have accomplished. Be thankful to the Creator and the people who helped get you there
At left: 220 lbs, 34% BF
At Right: 207 lbs, 23% BF
I may do another show later in the year which will be more geared toward "not embarrassing myself"; but this show is important. It is a huge milestone that I committed to years ago. I can learn lessons and try again - the membership lasts for the entire calendar year.

I will be in the BEST shape of my life. I have no idea how my body will respond because it's never had to do this before. I started at 256 lbs and 45% body fat. I am 205 lbs and 22% body fat. You know what that means??? I've already won!!!

Do you have a challenge ahead of you? Are you afraid of even trying because you might not completely achieve it or win? Are you waiting until everything is perfect before spreading your wings? Get over yourself. The people who know and love you will enjoy going on the trip with you. The people who don't appreciate the process can suck it. That's their problem. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are capable of amazing things. Now do them. Make this your year. And then make next year your year…. and the next…and so on.

I have to give a special thank you to a few people who are always in my corner and an unwavering cheering squad - who are actively participating WITH me: Bonita, Greg, Corinn & Evan Keene, Jeff & Lil Spence, Aunt Brenda Sullivan, David Winningham, Virginia Keene, Michael Swiman, Dawn Skelton, David Mondragon, Matt Marshall, Shannon Tufts, Jeff Piercy, Matt Wellersdick, Rick Jordan, Michele Sarrecchia, Mindy Berg, Bruce Williams, and Erika Davitch. And of course, a very special thanks to Jean Melendez who first encouraged me to get in the gym. There are so many others who have encouraged me along the way and I thank you. I know you won't be embarrassed. I know you will be proud. And I KNOW I will be.

See you at the gym!