Monday, October 24, 2011

I Love My Boobs

Did that get your attention? Well, it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everyone needs to perform self-checks every month - even men. My mom battled the suck-butt disease for 30 years before she won and went home to be with the Lord. Check here for a diagram of how to do it.

Now back to MY boobs...I look at the progress pics I have taken lately & I notice that I am losing fat in an area where I would like to keep it...yeah yeah yeah. Men, keep reading, I won't go into too much detail.

Being overweight has its advantages. For whatever reason, I never had a bad body image; even when I was at my heaviest. There were days I was unhappy with what I saw, but for the most part I compensated for what I didn't like by showing what I did - my boobs! So one of the things that I have had to adapt to is having a much smaller rack and the realization that I will most likely end up with two fried eggs on my chest wall by the time I'm done. The interesting thing is that I like being able to easily button blouses and wear wrap dresses without wondering if I'm gonna pull a "Janet Jackson". Also, I have come to the realization that I like showing everything off! No need for compensation. Bow chicka wow wow!

So maybe it's not your boobs. Maybe there's another area of your life where you are frightened by change. With change comes courage, with courage, growth. Isn't that what we are all striving for? To grow as people? To develop our character and make a difference? This fitness journey parallels everything else in my life. I am learning discipline, self-worth, a desire to serve, and a strength of character. I take comfort in the fact that I am designed for a purpose. Take time today to look at an area of your life that is evolving. Is it forcing you to grow? Fulfill your purpose. Get out there and make a difference.

See you in the gym!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Plateaus Stink... But Don't Discourage

Really? Already? I've hit a plateau in my weight loss for the past 2 weeks. Plateaus in any program are frustrating, but inevitable. Fitness-minded goals, even if your goal is just to lose 10 lbs and reduce knee pain, means constant choices. I CHOOSE to not eat that second cookie. I CHOOSE to get my butt out of bed to get to the gym, I CHOOSE to eat my meal even when I'm not hungry. I CHOOSE to do the last 5 reps. It's always a choice. Plateaus are inevitable, but are they always out of our control?

I kicked off my ramp up with the Warrior Dash on October 1st. I added more cardio and my trainer has been pushing me to work harder. So the body is changing. I'm getting leaner. BUT the scale only shows me down 4 lbs. Ouch. Here's the reality of it. I am responsible for some of that. The "cheat meals" that I plan for Friday night football games have slipped into Saturday snacks and Sunday meal misses... I have chosen to not stay clean on weekends and I am seeing the results. I had to alter my work schedule this week, so my gym schedule has been altered, too. I have not put in the same amount of work and I am seeing the results. There is no right or wrong. It's my CHOICE. My dad always said that "you have to be responsible for your own actions." And I am.

So, how does this apply to plateaus? I have to take responsibility for the fact that I have contributed to this plateau. And in that ownership, I find some hope. This is a year long process which will extend into a life time promise to take better care of myself. I will continue to make choices that have adverse effects. I cannot let those choices give me an excuse to quit. I WILL NOT SELF SABOTAGE SO I HAVE AN EXCUSE WHEN I FAIL! I will recognize it for what it is. I will look back and see what I have accomplished. I will continue to look forward to envision what I can do. I will take a deep breath and do the work. The next plateau? I'm kicking its butt, too!

See you in the gym!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Before and...Well...Still Before

Just wanted to post a couple of pictures and give a few shout-outs. I have to thank all my friends and family for supporting me in my nonsense. But there are a few folks who have been personally involved in my journey. 

To Jean Melendez for getting me started in all this - thank you, my friend for reminding me that I can.
To Bruce Williams of Platinum Results, you have helped me beyond description and you are continuing to change my life for the better.
To Shelby McDaniel & Erika Davitch at Max Muscle, thank you for helping me get my diet clean and encouraging me to do something that scares me to death.
To David Winningham - thank you for your undying friendship, coaching and encouragement. I'm so glad we reconnected last summer.

Is that woman in the mirror really me?

Cuz I think she's a little bit crazy. As I start writing my very first blog entry, I have to chuckle to myself a little. Those who have known me for many years may chuckle a little too. See, I wasn't always the obsessive fitness junkie I am now. When I was a kid, I rolled my eyes when my dad talked about the importance of fitness. My brother and sister both participated in organized sports and when I shot up in height in elementary school; there was hope I'd be the basketball star of the family. One problem, I am terribly uncoordinated...
So here I am, approaching my 40th year of existence and I have a new dream; a new goal. I intend to compete in a bodybuilding competition one year from now. I have one year to lose about 40 lbs and 20% body fat. I'm gonna do it. I'm stubborn and I'm prideful. So, I'm gonna do it. But I have no doubt the journey will be difficult. So, I hope this documentation of my process and progress will make you laugh, make you cry and perhaps even inspire you to pursue your dreams - to set your own goals. I'm proof that it's okay to change them and pursue new ones and it's never too late.

I will be posting pics of my progress on my bodyspace. Feel free to follow me there, too. WARNING: There are pictures of me in a bikini on that site. Send anyone with heart conditions and children into the next room before viewing.

See ya in the gym
- K