Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hello. My name is Kelley and I have an addiction to sugar.

I knew better. Easter is the worst time of year for a sugar addict. I know that when I purge my system of white sugars -  even attempting to avoid it as a secondary or tertiary ingredient - I feel so much better. I am not hungry during the day. I do not crave that "mmmm...just a little  something..." in the evenings.

But then it happened. My family has a lot of birthdays in the Jan-Mar timeframe. I was allowing myself to have a little birthday cake here and there. I mean c'mon, it's someone's birthday, right? I was my choice. No one enticed me or made me. I chose it, knowing that cake is my trigger...then Easter came along. What's the harm in eating one Reeses Peanut Butter Egg on Easter morning? Absolutely nothing. If you can handle it and it is not a trigger for you to buy a whole pack when they are 50% off the next week and then eat 3 in one sitting. That's what happened. I'm not proud to admit it, but it happened.

That's the problem with addictive behavior, indulging in what you know to be dangerous can give you a very temporary surge in what you perceive to be power and control. "Everyone says this is bad for me, but screw 'em; I'm a rebel. I do what I want." It's false. You are lying to yourself. How many times have you gone down that path and feel miserable and guilty afterward? Well, guess what? Crap happens. You make mistakes. Heck, I make so many mistakes and am shocked and awed at myself when I get through an entire day without some sort of goof up.

You know what's important? "Fessin up & movin on." Telling you just made me accountable. Telling you took away the perception of power because it's not longer my secret. I am going to have to go cold turkey on the sugar and steer clear of it. Maybe there is something in your life that the only real way you are going to have power is to get rid of it. Go cold turkey. Avoid it at all cost. Okay. So do that. Start today.

I had my one victory today. I didn't buy any Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs...even at 75% off! Daggone they look good, though. Think it was the photographer that got to take that bite?? (sigh)

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