Friday, April 13, 2012

Keep That Chin Up!

Wow. It's been a while since I've opened my skull and shared with you. I've certainly had a lot of "nothing" going on for the past month... I am living in Raleigh full-time now and am working on the pre-marketing as I prepare for the store opening (which is still planned for June/July). We have selected the spot where we want to be, but there is a lot to be done before build out can start. We have not gone to closing on the house where I am going to live, so I'm still a vagabond living outta my car. (not literally, I have a bed to sleep in). So April and May will be busy. I can hardly wait for the store to open and get to interacting with customers again!

I started with my new trainer this week. While he's no Bruce Williams, I'm excited to see what happens. If you are in the Raleigh area, Kenneth Alston at the Rapid Fitness on Glenwood is already proving to be no joke! One of the things he has to keep reminding me is to "keep that chin up". Apparently, I have developed a bad habit of looking down when I workout. I think this started when I didn't want to look at what was looking back at me in the mirror. And I got mentally lazy because I relied on Bruce to check my form. Well, this is hard-core, go time. Kenneth probably doesn't have any idea how important those words are to me. We are at the 6 month mark of a year long journey. This next six months is going to take more discipline and focus than I have been able to muster thus far. I have got to keep my chin up! I have to dig deep and get it done. Every day, I have to envision myself walking out under the hot spotlights. Every day, imagine what my body will feel like then. Every day, I have to make the right choices to get there. Every day... Every daggone day.

Opening the store is going to be a challenge on my focus. It's gonna try really hard to become an excuse... It may win some days. Each day is a gift. Each day is another chance. But I don't have the luxury of many more chances to stumble....time is growing short. I gotta focus and move forward. I HAVE to. I look at that woman in the mirror? Does she want this? Hell yeah, she does!! I am keeping my chin up and looking forward!! Plus, keeping my chin up makes my face look thinner...


  1. Love you Kel!! Keep that chin up baby!!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What an inspiration you are, Kelley! Keep it up!!

  4. I love your sense of humor. I am so proud of you. Love you and miss you!

  5. Keep your chin up, Kelley! You can do it and you've inspired me to move also... So keep moving, girl! Stop at nothing to reach your goal... and then keep going! :)
