Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Past Fades

Included in one of my very first blog entries is a photograph of me standing next to SeƱor Frog. I have a smile on my face, but I was not entirely happy. I had no real understanding of the toll my sedentary lifestyle was taking on my body.

I have kept a copy of that picture in my gym bag and would refer to it often to see where my hard work had brought me. There were times I felt the need to pull it out to show people that while I am not where I want to be yet, I am sooo much better than I was....see?? Can't you see my progress??

An interesting thing happened recently. I carry foot spray in my gym bag. (C'mon, everybody's shoes get nasty eventually.) That spray has been in the same pocket for a long time. But a few weeks ago, it leaked all over my bag. It ruined the "before" picture. All that's clearly visible now is my smile. That little mishap came at a great time. I have recently learned to embrace where I am now. I work really hard to make my body healthy and strong. I don't need to show you my before picture anymore. I want to show you what I am doing NOW. I want to share with you the concept of where it will be in the near future. I want to talk about HOW I'm getting there.

One of the hardest, most head-smacking classes I took in college was Aethestics. I'm still not sure I entirely understand the philosophy. One thing I did take away is that as an artist, the understanding of the process is equally as, if not more important than the product. That's why I can appreciate a Pollock even though the product looks like paint spattered on a wall. I get why Picasso and Braque experimented with viewpoint. I see the beauty in the color fields of a Rothko. Body building (or body sculpting, as my inner artist prefers to call it) is the same. I want to talk about the process. The product will be what it is; a byproduct of this artist's effort.

Look in the mirror. You are the direct result of your actions. You are beautiful as you are. But are you taking care of you? Are you loving the process? The product will be what it will be. Work hard. Love yourself. Create goals and follow through on them. Encourage others in their path.

The past fades. Cherish the present. Look forward and keep moving.

See ya in the gym!

Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm Not Ready

I am coming up on the one year anniversary of the start of this process. I want to be honest with you. I'm not ready. I'm nowhere near ready. This year has been an amazing path of transformation for me. I have learned a lot about what I am capable of. I have learned a lot about what I can do. I have learned a lot about what hard work it takes to get there. And I have learned that I'm not ready.

So bear with me. I'm not giving up. But I am going to change the subtitle from "A 365 day fitness journey..." to "A lifetime fitness journey..." I hope that's okay with you.

One of the biggest things I have learned is that this is a slow and steady lifestyle change. I LOVE being in the gym. I love working out and putting on mass and seeing my muscle tissue come alive. I rarely miss a chance to work out. But to get where I want to go, I need to commit to two-a-days and more consistent cardio on a daily basis. I pass by the cupcakes and cookies on most days and feel like a rockstar and pat myself on the back. But you know what? I cave sometimes....more than I should. A barbecue sandwich here, a handful of marshmallows there is no big deal for a "normal" person who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. But I'm not normal. I've committed to being extraordinary. It takes more discipline than I have at the present time. I admire fitness competitors so much! It's hard!

So what the heck? Well, "BIG MUSCLES - TEENY BIKINIS" may not happen for a while. I am tentatively looking toward the Max Muscle Virginia Classic in April. But that's just to keep me focused. I am not committing to a specific deadline. I will keep working hard. I will keep challenging you to be the best, healthy you. I will continue to work on my discipline. Would you be so kind as to continue to cheer me on? Thanks. You're the best.

See ya in the gym!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sheep in Wolves Clothing

Lately I have noticed that there are a lot of friends on Facebook at three o'clock in the morning mentioning their inability to sleep. Sheep seem to have completely eluded so many. Restless nights lead to cranky mornings and unfocused days. Too many restless nights can lead to various health concerns. There are published studies on the need for sleep. I'm certainly no expert on the topic, but I have a few observations on this matter.
That's not how you're supposed
to do it

Restful sleep is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle - along with good nutrition, good hydration, exercise and lowered stress levels. The thing is, being remiss in any of these affects the other. Lack of sleep can affect your food choices - oversleep once you finally fall asleep and grab a muffin? Or skip breakfast all together because you're running late? Miss taking your walk because you're too tired? Eat junk because you think you're hungry when you are merely poorly hydrated? Being tired, hungry, out of shape stressing you out? Yeah, yeah, yeah - the point already.

While I realize not everyone is prepared to commit in the way that I have, we each can take a look at our daily environment for ways that we can regain the balance. Think about the last time you worked in the yard all day; or swam and ran on the beach. I mean a really great, full day - when the kids were relatively good and stress was at a minimum. You were happy and relaxed. Did you get a restful sleep? Exercise and physical activity are great assets in the construct for finding those elusive sheep. Making sure you take your water bottle with you and that you consuming sufficient food to provide energy through the day will also allow your body to develop a cycle. Your body is a machine. It really wants to operate properly. I promise.

We are constantly inundated with stimuli. Right now, I am watching an episode of Magnum PI (yes, Magnum PI) on my iPad, while keeping up with the live stream of the Olympic games on my iPhone; all while typing this entry. And somehow my brain is able to process all three. We cannot stand to let our brains relax. You know you do it. You're on Facebook with the TV on and playing Words with Friends on your electronic device thinking - "why can't I ever get to sleep?" It's like purposely ramping children up right before bed and then expecting them to choose to settle down and rest. Consider turning off all electronic devices, including ereaders, approximately thirty minutes before your desired sleep time. It will seem really hard and like it's not working at first. But your brain will thank you.

Know why they call it counting sheep?
Can you imagine how boring it is to
count sheep? I mean, you could stand there
with your mouth hanging open with your
brain completely in neutral.
Here's my proposal for you. And this will not happen overnight (har har) with one attempt. Try for 3 straight weeks to address the health factors I mentioned above. They make some pretty cool water bottles now. Good nutrition choices are a little easier to maintain with things like protein shakes from Max Muscle (shameless plugging, I know). Avoiding stress is sometimes a little more difficult. But for three weeks, look at changing the way you approach to what stresses you out. Traffic? I find that George Clinton helps a lot. Maybe Kenny Chesney can make you think you are sitting on a beach with Corona in hand. Someone at work getting on your nerves? For three weeks, kill them with kindness. Family making you pull your hair out? Own it. Don't allow them to take your health from you. And of course, my favorite, exercise! Doesn't have to be an hour at the gym, but incorporate some sort of intentional physical activity each day. I say intentional because it speaks to your discipline and commitment. It can be something simple like a stroll around the block with your dog or vacuuming and sweeping the entire house.

I realize that there are other factors that contribute to sleeplessness. There are people who suffer from medical cases of insomnia. As we age (ugh), our sleep patterns are affected. Sometimes a glass of red wine before bed can help. Some have found melatonin and other herbal supplements help. Here's another shameless plug - Max Muscle makes two products that I stack together that have been found to be very effective. Max ZMA and QuadraCuts Nighttime. Please let me know if you're interested in giving it a try. The combination of zinc, magnesium, melatonin and valerian are a natural way to enjoy a deep, restorative, restful sleep.

So maybe I'm full of hooey. Maybe you're just destined to be cranky and tired all of the time. But do me a favor, give it a shot and let me know how many sheep you count. Maybe you've forgotten what a good night's sleep even feels like. Good thing somebody wrote this blog entry so I can read it and give it a try, too! I should make sure I'm practicing the preaching.

Here's to some peaceful dreams...

See ya in the gym!

As an added bonus, here is a poem my Grandma Ruth used to recite to me while she rubbed my back. It always seemed to do the trick (until she woke me up with her ridiculous snoring, of course). See if you can get someone to recite it to you...back rubs optional :-)

When day and night are blending
At the twilight of days ending
May sleep, the balm of rest on you bestow
May your spirit leave and wander
With the angels over yonder
And be blest, where the sweetest blessings flow

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Your Mom Was Right!

Stand up straight. Eat your vegetables. Wear clean underwear.

One of the most frustrating things I see at the gym is people with great bodies and terrible posture. I want to run over and make them adjust their alignment. Even when you aren't in the best shape, using good posture makes you look better and feel more confident. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, there are other reasons to employ good posture: enables deeper breathing, enables good circulation, relieves pressure on your spine. How many of you adjusted your posture as you read this? Think about it the next time you are driving in your car. That's the place I catch myself the most. Stick that chest out, pull those shoulders back, keep that chin up and see how it makes you feel. Enjoy that feeling. Maybe those other people in the gym will catch on and stop getting on my nerves.

As to the second point - eat your vegetables; even those leading a healthy lifestyle often skip vegetables. I am a culprit in this area. I am fine eating lots of animals. I will eat plenty of whole grains, rice, quinoa, and other good carbs. But broccoli? Salad? Green beans? Meh. Pass the bowl. It's not that I don't enjoy them when I actually get around to adding them, I just never chose them first. Green, leafy vegetables not only provide essential nutrients, but they are filling which may lead you to refrain from impulse eating later in the day. So remember to make room on your plate for that spinach. You'll thank me later. (For those who just can't get down with veggies, Max Muscle [and other supplements suppliers - I like the Barlean's version] offer powdered vegetables you can add to your protein shake to help get your daily intake.)

I'm just going to leave that third point alone. You know what it means...

See ya in the gym!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm At 12!

"I'm at 12" is a mantra I like to use when I work out. It's how I motivate myself to get to the final few reps in a set of twenty reps. When I'm at twelve, there are only eight more. I'm more than halfway. There's no turning back - just breathe and push through.

Get where I'm going here? I am currently 9 months through my year-long journey. I have already talked to my trainer and my show date has moved to the right by three or four months. It's okay. I've had a few setbacks. When I started this plan last October, I had no idea that I would be moving to another state and opening my own store. Just a teensy weensy bit distracting!!

I am really enjoying my training sessions again. My NC trainer is really a gem. I have enough muscle development now that we can really concentrate on how to train my body with the best possible effect. I am concentrating on things like ensuring my biceps muscles are developing in symmetry to my triceps, making sure each of the faces of the quadraceps is equally prominent - cool stuff like that. He is helping me develop my shins and ankles so I can run more efficiently and with less discomfort. I feel like a science experiment and I'm loving it! I liken the process to when a musician is first learning the notes; it's impossible to really work on "making music." I have spent the last two years woodshedding. Now I get to spend time making the notes come alive. And as any musician knows, that's a lot more fun and rewarding.

I promise to do better about keeping you posted and writing more frequently. I see posts on Facebook that a lot of you are on your own journeys. Keep me posted. I want to encourage you! Maybe you're at twelve and you need to be reminded you are only eight more reps away from reaching your goal.

See ya in the gym!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hello. My name is Kelley and I have an addiction to sugar.

I knew better. Easter is the worst time of year for a sugar addict. I know that when I purge my system of white sugars -  even attempting to avoid it as a secondary or tertiary ingredient - I feel so much better. I am not hungry during the day. I do not crave that "mmmm...just a little  something..." in the evenings.

But then it happened. My family has a lot of birthdays in the Jan-Mar timeframe. I was allowing myself to have a little birthday cake here and there. I mean c'mon, it's someone's birthday, right? I was my choice. No one enticed me or made me. I chose it, knowing that cake is my trigger...then Easter came along. What's the harm in eating one Reeses Peanut Butter Egg on Easter morning? Absolutely nothing. If you can handle it and it is not a trigger for you to buy a whole pack when they are 50% off the next week and then eat 3 in one sitting. That's what happened. I'm not proud to admit it, but it happened.

That's the problem with addictive behavior, indulging in what you know to be dangerous can give you a very temporary surge in what you perceive to be power and control. "Everyone says this is bad for me, but screw 'em; I'm a rebel. I do what I want." It's false. You are lying to yourself. How many times have you gone down that path and feel miserable and guilty afterward? Well, guess what? Crap happens. You make mistakes. Heck, I make so many mistakes and am shocked and awed at myself when I get through an entire day without some sort of goof up.

You know what's important? "Fessin up & movin on." Telling you just made me accountable. Telling you took away the perception of power because it's not longer my secret. I am going to have to go cold turkey on the sugar and steer clear of it. Maybe there is something in your life that the only real way you are going to have power is to get rid of it. Go cold turkey. Avoid it at all cost. Okay. So do that. Start today.

I had my one victory today. I didn't buy any Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs...even at 75% off! Daggone they look good, though. Think it was the photographer that got to take that bite?? (sigh)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Keep That Chin Up!

Wow. It's been a while since I've opened my skull and shared with you. I've certainly had a lot of "nothing" going on for the past month... I am living in Raleigh full-time now and am working on the pre-marketing as I prepare for the store opening (which is still planned for June/July). We have selected the spot where we want to be, but there is a lot to be done before build out can start. We have not gone to closing on the house where I am going to live, so I'm still a vagabond living outta my car. (not literally, I have a bed to sleep in). So April and May will be busy. I can hardly wait for the store to open and get to interacting with customers again!

I started with my new trainer this week. While he's no Bruce Williams, I'm excited to see what happens. If you are in the Raleigh area, Kenneth Alston at the Rapid Fitness on Glenwood is already proving to be no joke! One of the things he has to keep reminding me is to "keep that chin up". Apparently, I have developed a bad habit of looking down when I workout. I think this started when I didn't want to look at what was looking back at me in the mirror. And I got mentally lazy because I relied on Bruce to check my form. Well, this is hard-core, go time. Kenneth probably doesn't have any idea how important those words are to me. We are at the 6 month mark of a year long journey. This next six months is going to take more discipline and focus than I have been able to muster thus far. I have got to keep my chin up! I have to dig deep and get it done. Every day, I have to envision myself walking out under the hot spotlights. Every day, imagine what my body will feel like then. Every day, I have to make the right choices to get there. Every day... Every daggone day.

Opening the store is going to be a challenge on my focus. It's gonna try really hard to become an excuse... It may win some days. Each day is a gift. Each day is another chance. But I don't have the luxury of many more chances to stumble....time is growing short. I gotta focus and move forward. I HAVE to. I look at that woman in the mirror? Does she want this? Hell yeah, she does!! I am keeping my chin up and looking forward!! Plus, keeping my chin up makes my face look thinner...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Start From Scratch or Just Edit?

In looking into the bodybuilding industry, I have discovered something I find interesting. I have yet to find a story of someone whose story closely resembles mine. There are countless stories of people who were fit and then worked hard to get shredded to prepare for a show. There a plenty of profiles of out of shape athletes who have gotten back into it and been able to recapture and even improve upon the physique of their youth. There are former military personnel who got a little pudgy after PT was no longer required. Muscle memory is a hug asset. I have not been able to find someone who was never "in shape" and looking to go on a stage in a bedazzled bikini.

I was not an athlete in my youth. I am not particularly coordinated and was at that time not particularly motivated. So unless running down the driveway when I was late for the bus, riding my bike, occasionally playing H.O.R.S.E. with my dad in the back yard counts as athleticism, then I'm gonna go ahead and count my process as starting from scratch.

I don't think it puts me in a great place of disadvantage but it may extend my target date by a bit. I have a lot more work to do to reach my goal and 7 more months does not seem like a lot of time. My dear, sweet friend Erika is preparing to compete in the Max Muscle NPC show in April and is stressing that she won't be ready. She looks FABULOUS! I encouraged her by letting her know that no one will care if she's not ready for April (which she will be!), but the journey is the journey. The target will be reached. I have to give myself that same grace.

I haven't given up on walking on stage in October. I will still work to that date. One thing that I have learned from my research is that there is an advantage to have been in shape in your youth. It's never to late to make healthy choices. But it's also never too early. Start talking to your kids, your nieces, your nephews, your friend's kids, your kids' friends about making healthy choices now! Develop healthy choices now! Make exercise fun! You know the best way to do that? Allow them to follow your example. Not everyone has to walk in front of judges in the warmth of the spotlights, but being an example and starting the trend of healthiness is a way you can make a difference.

Turn off the TV. Get off your butt. Ride a bike. Toss a ball. Run a block. Climb a hill. Grab someone and take them with you. They'll thank you later.

Guess where I'll see ya? That's right. In the gym!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Size 12? Why Yes Please and Thank You

It's milestone time, folks. I have not worn size 12 jeans since high school. For those of you who don't know me from those days, that's 22 years ago! They are Levi's 529s. I have another pair of Levi's that are 16s that fit me just a little bit loose, but hey, the label on the 529s says SIZE 12!!

These are the kinds of milestones that are special. My weight is still not under 200. My body fat measurement says I'm still in the obese category. So you know what? This almost 40 year old is getting it done. And getting it done in some pretty sassy size 12 jeans!

(AS A SIDE NOTE: I have learned so much about goals and milestones while working at Max Muscle Sports Nutrition. Today I received my official certificate to hang on the wall. I am a certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist. What's that crazy name mean? It means I am certified to create meal plans and guide people through the process of fat elimination and lean muscle retention. So I am ready to start signing up some clients in Raleigh when I move there in March. Tell your friends who live in the area. They can contact me at

Now, back to me. I have not been 100% on point for the past two weeks on eating clean or getting my cardio done. I haven't updated my measurements on I certainly have not taken any progress pictures. What's my excuse? I have been really distracted with all that I need to get done with the impending move, and the efforts to open the new Max Muscle store. At the end of the day...guess what.... there are always going to be things that distract me from my fitness goals. Those are just excuses. So, I saddle back up. I look at my schedule and figure out how to keep myself driven - how to keep myself motivated to stay on the path. I have to. That's all there is to it. I am not going to fall back on excuses that are readily available to me or the ones that friends so generously offer me. It is a goal. I will not take my eye off the prize. I will not beat myself up when I stumble. I will press on.

Are there areas in your life where you have set a goal and then given up because you stumbled? Have you looked over your shoulder to see who was looking? Meh. Stumbling happens. Don't give up. Get back up. Focus your attention on your goal; really look at it. Do you still want it? Can you picture yourself achieving it? What will you say to yourself when you reach it? Won't that be a cool thing to say? Why don't you go ahead and remind yourself now what you want to achieve. Go ahead and say it out loud. "I will not fail. I want to _____ and I will not quit til I get there, regardless of how many times I stumble." I'm serious. Say it out loud. I just did. I choked a little. Did you just inspire yourself? Now get to work. I know I will.

See ya in the gym!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What Are You Good At? Then Do That

I have been really stressed about this move to Raleigh to open a Max Muscle store. I haven't taken the time to be excited. You know why? Because I haven't been doing it my way. I have been taking input from people who have been successful doing it their way which is great. It worked for THEM.

I had the fantastic, good fortune to visit the corporate headquarters of Max Muscle Sports Nutrtion this week. It was a great "Confirmation Day" as a step toward my Grand Opening of the store. I listened to stories of successful franchisees. I was able to sit down and speak to the founder of the company about his desires, his drive, his philosophy. Know what I learned? That although there is a set pattern - a proven model- in the franchise business, there is a unique way to approach it. Otherwise, there would be corporate, carbon-copies of stores with the same cookie cutter management style instead of individual "owners". So, I'm not going to do it exactly the same way as the next guy. I was designed differently.

I think it's our drive and passion that propels us to successfully reach our goals. Then we use our own unique characteristics to get there. Know what I'm good at? Being gregarious, focusing on people, making people laugh, memorizing facts and information, finding joy in the simple things. I am not a list maker or schedule task master. Never have been. Ask my teachers throughout my school days. I rarely did homework. I rarely studied. Somehow I managed to get decent grades by listening, really listening, and gaining what I needed from class. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, but this is how I do things. I've never failed at anything. I cannot look back on a thing that I wish I'd done differently. I think our paths are already ordained. I think people are put in them to compliment our strengths and humble us in our weaknesses. I am thankful for the people in my path. I always try to learn the reason they are there and take advantage of it. For sometimes they are only there for a brief moment.

So, think about it. What are you good at? What were you designed to do? Are you denying your true nature to fit the model of what the world or your peers or your parents or your spouse or your kids expect of you? Think about how different things would be if people really focused on and did what they were created to do? How cool. Maybe you're not ready to make that leap. Maybe you haven't discovered your gift(s). They're there. Just waiting in the wings to make their debut. Consider letting them show just a little. People around you may frown. They may think you're crazy. They may....oh my....judge you. Or you know what? They might just surprise you. Just as you might surprise yourself. Happiness and contentment are contagious. I hope I can be an example. I hope you can find where you belong and in doing so begin humming on all cylinders. Just consider it. Ponder it...just a little...for me...(oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I can be very persuasive...)

Now I'm gonna go run some scenarios for business success in in my head. And I'm not going to write a single one down. ;-)

YES, I KNOW THAT'S A DANGLING PREPOSITION! Forgive me, Jewel King, Carolyn Spence, Martha McBride, Bonita Keene & Shannon Maurice-Williams!

See ya in the gym!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Face of The Earth Was Lovely, But I'm Back

No, I did not fall off the face of the earth, but I did visit there for a few weeks. Thanks for waiting for me to get back.

I have been busy with plans to open a Max Muscle store in Raleigh, NC. I'm pretty stoked. I have never lived out the greater Fredericksburg area and am so excited about the opportunity to pursue my new endeavor. There's a lot to do between now and opening day! If you have any fitness and health enthusiasts in the Triangle area, let me know. I want to share how Max Muscle's focus on fitness and nutrition can change their life like it has mine. Look for an upcoming blog on supplement use and my opinions and testimonial about it.

The other thing that has kept me busy is this stupid cold. I rarely get sick and this one really threw me for a loop. I revisited a very sedentary, lazy, foggy, unfocused period on my couch for about a week & half straight. Ugh. I figure everything happens for a reason. I had a reminder of what my life was like before I started on this fitness journey. I spent many an unfocused, foggy day sitting on the couch by CHOICE! Now, the idea of sitting around isn't as appealing as it used to be. It took getting knocked on my butt to realize I don't want to go back there. I was able to maintain my workout schedule and forced myself to eat even when I felt like I was going to barf. It paid off. I lost another 7 lbs. So, I'm 7 lbs away from my first milestone of weighing 199 lbs. Baby steps, people!

I'll be posting updates on the site next week. Check out my progress there.

Take advantage of this beautiful weather! Get off the couch and move!

See ya in the gym!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Need A Hero

(Anyone singing the Bonnie Tyler classic?? You'll sing it all day. You're welcome.)

Why is everyone getting on the Tim Tebow bandwagon? Now that he's done his damage to the steel curtain, even some die hard Pittsburgh fans are going to cheer him on. So why the sudden surge of support for an unlikely hero? We love an underdog. We love a Cinderella story. Even if his "te-bowing " and constant talk about his faith gets on your nerves, you have to respect that he appears to be the real deal. No one can dig up any dirt on him. The suits behind the desk on ESPN critique his form, compare it to other world class hall of famers, question his every move. Even John Elway is not a fan. What the heck? But you know what? He's doing it! I don't know how long it will last, but we love the ride. It's fun to cheer on the seemingly impossible.

Get where I'm going here? My motivations are pretty transparent. I want to remind you (and remind myself) that when you decide to take on a challenge, especially one that seems unachievable, people are dying to cheer you see you win. Of course there will be poo poo head naysayers. There will always be malcontents and those who are jealous. There are those who are angry you have forced them to reflect on their own actions.

I've had a really great week. I've received a lot of encouragement and positive feedback. I'm excited again. I'm on an uptick. I believe I can do this. And a lot of that is due to the feedback and cheering from you. I am so blessed to be in a place to really make this happen.

There are stories of people achieving the impossible since the beginning of time. Scared to try? Get a fan club. Be someone else's fan. In the whirl of encouragement you may just find you are the hero someone else has been looking for. Get it done, people!

See ya in the gym!

P.S. Did anyone miss the Thursday Three last week? Oopsie...

Monday, January 2, 2012

This Is A Test...

Bruce challenged me to a test of sorts today. The gym is super crowded because it's Jan 2nd and he made me do three sets of leap frog squats across the gym. If that doesn't draw attention to you, I don't know what does. Must mean he's proud of me.

Get to the gym, walk around your block, run in place in front of the TV. Start the habit or keep it going. Get out there and do it people. I believe in you!

See ya in the gym!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a New Year - So What?

Happy New Year! 2012 should prove to be a fabulous, change-filled, goal-reaching year for me! But why do we spend so much time and effort to celebrate the change of one day to the next? Why is it so important for us to make New Year's Resolutions? Why do we seek to be surrounded by people who want to mark the change in year? Because as human beings, we are always seeking the opportunity for a do over...a clean slate...a tabula rasa, if you will...

Most of us celebrate New Year's Eve with more fashion and fanfare than our own birthdays. Some celebrate with more zeal than the birth of my Savior. Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest certainly aren't on TV showcasing a star-studded Easter spectacular. All across the world, like-minded people are choosing to make today a new chance for change.

Hmmm... I've never been one to make resolutions. It is in our very nature to break them. And most do by February 15th. And the reality is, each new day is a new slate - a new chance for change. Each day. Think about that for a moment. Every morning when you wake, take a moment to reflect on the previous day, give thanks for the new one and "resolve" to make a difference within the parameters of that twenty-four hours.

Why do you think we break resolutions we make by mid-March at the latest? New Year's Resolutions are often made in haste like a wish before the crack of a wishbone or the wisp of a blown-out candle. Also, goals that are made are often too lofty or nebulous to focus and take small bites. "I'm going to lose weight." "I'm going to go to the gym more." "I'm going to quit smoking." Whew! How much weight? By when? How often are you going to the gym? Are you training for a 5K? What are the steps you are going to take to quit smoking? Have you sought a support group?

When I have my momentary meltdowns, pity parties, discouraged doldrums, I look to the plan. I focus on the long term goals that I have set for myself and then I look at what I should be expecting in the near term. The plan keeps me safe and keeps the aforementioned hissy fits to a minimum. But what if I had not taken the time to develop a plan? I'd likely look to my final goal and find it too hard in that moment and potentially give up. We have become creatures in need of a schedule. We arrive and depart from work or school at a specific time. We attend church and/or community meetings at a designated time of day. TV shows are based on a schedule that we can peruse as a guide on the screen. Why should be be surprised that we do well to plan out our meals, workout schedule and fitness goals? If it was easy, we'd all have perfect physiques and eat & do whatever we want. It's not easy. Our Creator did not give us this sophisticated machine just so we'd ignore it. It's fully loaded with every app available for use. It's finely tuned and just waiting for you to pay attention to it. Unwrap the gift of life that you have been given and choose each day as a mini New Year's celebration.

...Or maybe the night is just an excuse to party til you puke and get a free cab ride.What do I know?

See ya in the gym! (Every Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Friday between 11 and 1 - that's my schedule)